Instruments of Money Market
The money market is the arena in which financial institutions provide a broad range of borrowers and investors the opportunity to buy and sell various forms of short-term securities.
1. Treasury Bill (T-bills):
It is basically an instrument of short-term borrowing by the Government of India maturing in less than one year. They are also known as Zero coupon bonds.
2. Commercial Paper:
It is a short-term unsecured promissory note, negotiable and transferable by endorsement and delivery with a fixed maturity period. It is issued by large and creditworthy companies to raise short-term funds at lower rates of interest than market rates. It usually has a maturity period of 15 days to one year.
3. Call Money:
It is a short-term finance repayable on demand, with a maturity period of one day to fifteen days, used for inter-bank transactions. It is a method by which banks borrow from each other to e able to maintain the cash reserve ratio.
4. Certificate of Deposit (CD):
It is an unsecured, negotiable short-term instrument in bearer form, issued by commercial banks and development financial institutions. It can be issued to individuals, corporations and companies.
5. Commercial Bill (Trade Bill):
It is a short-term, negotiable, self-liquidating instrument which is used to finance the credit sales of firms. The bill can be discounted with a bank it the seller (drawer) needs funds before the bill maturity.
In addition, there are foreign exchange swaps, mortgages and asset-backed securities.
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